Community Action Projects for the Environment

Community Action Projects for the Environment

Is your youth group motivated to take action to make their community, and their environment, better for everyone? Community Action Projects for the Environment (CAPE) helps youth learn more about local environmental issues, select one to explore, and effectively voice suggestions for change to community decision makers. CAPE is designed for groups of youth ages 11 to 18. The program includes activities and resources for eight meetings.

Want to make a difference? Grab your CAPE! This website introduces the program and offers CAPE materials, leader training, and implementation suggestions for state programs. You can even earn a certificate after you complete the training! Examples of what youth groups have done are also highlighted.

CAPE Leader Training and Materials To access the CAPE training, all program materials, and other resources; click on the button below. This will open up Canvas where you will create a free account to access the materials.


CAPE (Community Action Projects for the Environment) is a program designed for youth, ages 11-18; although the model can be used with any class or youth group. The program guides youth through the process of brainstorming, exploring, developing, implementing, and reflecting on a project that addresses a community environmental issue and results in asking a decision maker to make a change that benefits everyone.


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