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Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Bottomland Hardwoods

Bottomland hardwoods are one of the lowest and wettest types of hardwood forests. They are generally found along the edges of lakes and rivers, and in sinkholes. Bottomland forests represent a transition between drier upland hardwood forest and very wet river floodplain and wetland forests. While trees and plants in this ecosystem cannot tolerate long periods of flooding (as in a swamp), they are flooded periodically when water levels rise.

While bottomland hammocks may be found scattered throughout Florida, some good examples of these ecosystems may be seen in Ichetucknee River State Park, O'Leno State Park, Apalachiocola National Forest, San Falasco Hammock, Suwannee River State Park, Dead Lakes State Recreation Area, Wakulla Springs State Park, St. Marys National Wildlife Refuge, Faver-Dykes State Park, Silver River State Park, and the Myakka River State Park.

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