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Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Fireblight: Images

Click on the text link under each photo to see a larger picture.

Fireblight on apple
Fireblight on apple (Malus sp.).
Photo credit: University of Georgia Plant Pathology Archive, University of Georgia,

Typical shepherd's crook symptom of fireblight
Typical shepherd's crook symptom of fireblight
Photo credit: Gerald Holmes, Valent USA Corporation,

Fireblight symptoms in an orchard
Fireblight symptoms in an orchard
Photo credit: Rebekah D. Wallace, University of Georgia,

Fireblight on callery pear
Fireblight on callery pear (Pyrus calleryana).
Photo credit: Florida Division of Plant Industry Archive, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,

Fireblight on loquat
Fireblight on loquat(Eriobotrya japonica).
Photo credit: Florida Division of Plant Industry Archive, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,

Bacteria (Erwinia amylovora) oozing from infected pear leaf.
Photo credit: John Hartman, University of Kentucky,

Fireblight symptoms on pear
Fireblight symptoms on pear (Pyrus sp.).
Photo credit: Florida Division of Plant Industry Archive, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,

Fireblight on paradise apple
Fireblight on paradise apple (Malus pumila).
Photo credit: William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International,