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Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Saltbush: Images

Click on the text link under each photo to see a larger picture.

Leaves and flowers of Baccharis angustifolia
Leaves and flowers of Baccharis angustifolia
Photo credit: Niels Proctor, University of Florida

Leaf of Baccharis halimifolia
Leaf of Baccharis halimifolia
Photo credit: Niels Proctor, University of Florida

Leaves and mature fruit of B. halimifolia
Leaves and mature fruit of B halimifolia
Photo credit: Niels Proctor, University of Florida

Saltbush covered with clouds formed by the hairs on the ripe fruits
Saltbush covered with clouds formed by the hairs on the ripe fruits
Photo credit: Niels Proctor, University of Florida