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Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Saw Palmetto Identifying Characteristics

It is found on sites ranging from seaside sand dunes and dry scrub to pinelands, hammocks, moist forests, and wetlands.

Saw palmetto is a branched, hardy, fan palm that measures two to nine feet tall. Its stem usually remains below ground or runs horizontally along the surface. In some cases, it develops an upright or arching stem.

The stem is horizontal above or just below the ground, frequently branched, and sometimes has an upright or leaning portion.

The leaves spiral around the stem. The blades are circular in outline and are usually 2' to 3' across, with the outer edge dividing into many dagger-shaped segments. The petioles are about 2' to 3' long and sharply saw-toothed.

The fruit is ovoid and drupe-like, ½" wide, and ripens from green to black on a branched cluster shorter than the leaves.

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