Tread Softly: Identifying Characteristics
Tread softly grows in dry, sandy soils, such as old fields, roadsides, disturbed sites, pine forests and dry, wooded areas.
Tread softly is an erect, weedy perennial that grows to 3' tall and is covered with tiny, stinging hairs. The stem is stout and branches into a V-shape, with numerous branches.
The stems of the plant are stout and sheathed in spiny, toxic hairs.
The leaves are simple, alternately arranged, and palmately-lobed with 3 to 5, deep, toothed lobes. Their shape is similar to that of a maple leaf. Whitish veins are evident on the dark green leaf surfaces, while the undersides and margins are covered with venomous, stinging hairs.
The fruit is a spiny, spherical, or cylindrical capsule with three chambers that open to release dark brown seeds. The pod-like capsules are covered with stinging hairs.