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Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Yellow Jessamine: Identifying Characteristics

Yellow jessamine is found in well-drained hammocks and woodlands, disturbed sites and even suburban backyards. It is also seen in thickets, rocky out-crops, and along fencerows.

It is a climbing, evergreen vine that is often seen as high as 30' in the trees.

The leaves are simple, opposite and lanceolate, with a lustrous, dark green surface. They are generally ¾" to 2½" long and about ¼" to ¾" wide, with a long tapering tip.

The flowers are clusters of bright yellow, fragrant, tubular blossoms, with flared petals. They bloom from December to March.

The fruit is an oblong capsule, about 1 inch long, that splits apart to release flat, winged seeds. The capsules usually ripen from October to June.