Identifying Characteristics
Size/Form: | Carolina willow is a small tree that reaches heights of 30' to 35'. It is usually small and shrub-like with multiple stems. It has a broad, open crown. |
Leaves: | The leaves are simple, alternately arranged, deciduous, and 2 ½" to 5 ½" long by ½" to 1 ¼" wide. The narrow, lance-shaped leaves usually have green upper surfaces while the underneath surface is whitish. The leaf base is wedged or rounded and have small, rounded wing-like leaves around the leaf stem. The leaf tip is tapering and pointed. The leaf margin is finely serrated with tiny yellowish glands on the tips or in the notches of the teeth. The leaf has a firm papery texture. |
Bark: | The grayish-brown bark is smooth at first and has shallow furrows and thick ridges as it ages. |
Fruit: | The fruit is a cone-shaped capsule that is less than ¼" long. |
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