Dr. Catherine Campbell’s primary focus is research into human motivation and behavior, particularly as it relates to how individuals and communities interact with their food environment and issues at the intersection of food systems and public health, such as ways in which community food environments affect food security and health outcomes. The ultimate goal of her research is to understand how policies, systems and environmental factors affect food purchasing and consumption behavior...
Alicia Papanek
Alicia holds a master’s degree in nutrition science from California State University in Los Angeles, and is currently a PhD student in the department of Family, Youth, and Community Science and a graduate research assistant in Dr. Campbell’s Community Food Systems lab. The primary focus of her dissertation research is to assess systems strategies that enable local food producers to make a positive impact on public health nutrition outcomes at the community level. Her long-term research goals include the continuous investigation of the relationship between community food systems and public health nutrition to support equitable food access...
Cody Gusto
Cody Gusto is a post-doctorate associate within the Agricultural Education & Communication (AEC) department at the University of Florida. Cody specializes in evaluating behavior change and decision-making in agricultural and natural resource contexts, with a focus on the design, implementation, and evaluation of Extension-based and non-formal programming. Cody hopes further integrate his experience with program design, development and evaluation, behavioral change theories, and participatory research methods to facilitate practical, community-level change across various contexts.
Dr. John Diaz is an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication (AEC) at the University of Florida. He focuses on program evaluation, community development. behavior change, social marketing, and local resilience. Diaz has responsibilities in research, extension and teaching.
Dr. Diaz's research focuses on understanding the factors that influence behavior change, practice adoption, and measures of equity and inclusion among various stakeholder groups in extension activities related to local food systems, nutrition and wellness, natural resource management, conservation and community capacity building
David Outerbridge
Lee County Sustainable Food Systems and Natural Resources Agent
David Outerbridge UF/IFAS Extension Lee County Sustainable Food Systems and Natural Resources Agent. His merged programs educate on food production, business development, community resource development, natural resources and localized food systems. David systems thinking work stems from his cultural anthropology, permaculture and geographical education background.