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Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Identifying Characteristics

Size/Form: Medium to large tree.
Leaves: Odd-pinnately compound with 7 to 17 leaflets. (Most commonly, 9 or 11 leaflets.) The leaf arrangement is alternate. Leaflets are lanceolate with a variable amount of small, blunt serrations.
Flowers: Very small and not very noticeable. Male flowers hang in catkins.
Fruit: A nut held in a leathery husk. The husk is initially green and then it dries to brown and splits open along the four seams.
Bark: Gray to light-brown and it transforms from smooth to flaky as the tree ages. (Very similar to the bark on a pecan.) Larger trunks are covered in a thick layer of flaking bark plates, giving them a "shaggy" appearance.
Habitat: Wetlands and flood zones along rivers.

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