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Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Florida 4-H Forest Ecology

Identifying Characteristics

Size/Form: Sand live oak is a small to medium, often shrubby-looking, tardily-deciduous tree, that grows from 70' to 80' tall and may form thickets.
Leaves: The leaves are similar to those of live oak, but smaller and more revolute. Leaves are oval to elliptical, from 1" to 2½" long, with a wedge-shaped base and acute tip. They are simple, alternately arranged and may persist on the trees into late winter or early spring. Leaf margins are distinctly turned under, giving the leaves an inverted-boat shape. They are thick, leathery and dark green in color, with obviously impressed veins (rugose). Undersides of leaves have pale grayish hairs. Leaf petioles are short and stout.
Fruit: The fruit is an ellipsoid, brownish acorn, borne in pairs, on short stalks.
Bark: The bark is dark, grayish-brown and furrowed with thick, rough ridges.
Habitat: Sand live oak grows best in deep, sandy soils. It prefers fertile, sandy sites, with partial shade and is often found in scrub habitats, or along sandy, coastal dunes.