Want to know more? You’re invited!
We’re hosting three kinds of events:
Community Forum
These virtual presentations will discuss the latest information about the COVID-19 and flu vaccines. You may be wondering what has changed since the vaccines first came out or what vaccines mean for those with chronic illnesses. Community leaders and health experts will present known facts and encourage viewers to ask questions.
Mobile Health Clinic
We know that receiving the vaccine can be a challenge if you are facing barriers such as transportation or work conflicts. Our team is dedicated to adapting to these obstacles and providing COVID-19 and flu vaccine resources to rural residents. The University of Florida and Florida A&M University Extension are sponsoring mobile vaccination clinics that will come to your communities to make it easier to get vaccinated.
Town Hall
These town halls give us the opportunity to meet you and hear your thoughts on any vaccine issue in your homes or neighborhoods. Our Florida VIP team recognizes the importance of community. We host these events with your local leaders so that we can understand how to best work for you.