Florida Youth Naturalist Program

Florida Youth Naturalist Program

Florida Youth Naturalist Program

Field Guide Cover PictureWhat is the Florida Youth Naturalist Program?

The Florida Youth Naturalist Program (FYNP) is a new program for young nature enthusiasts interested in learning more about Florida’s environment. Inspired by the Florida Master Naturalist program, this youth program takes kids aged 10 to 13 on a journey through Florida’s ecosystems, from the uplands, through freshwater, and to the coast.

Purchase the Field Guide 

The Florida Youth Naturalist Program Instructor Field Guide contains the curriculum to guide instructors through 24 hours of teaching. It includes 10 experiential lessons with hands-on activities, journaling, field trips ideas and more! Purchase the field guide today from the UF/IFAS Extension Bookstore.

Our Mission

To promote awareness, understanding, and respect of Florida’s natural world among Florida’s youth through a learn-by-doing approach that provides opportunities for young people to contribute to the environment and world around them.

Contact us with Questions - and join our Listserv!

Click here to submit questions and/or be added to our listserv to receive important information about the program coming soon.

flower background with text reading
an aerial image of wetlands and streams with overlying text reading
springs background with text reading
an alligator with text reading


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