Lesson 1: Freshwater Habitat
This chapter begins by involving students in a fun acitvity that demonstrates how soils and groundcover filters water before it reaches the aquifer. This is followed by a lesson to introduce students to terms such as karst topography, the Floridan aquifer, and hydroperiods. Students will learn about three broad categories of wetlands (marsh, swamp, and open water) and the more specific habitats and characteristics that fall within each type. Hands on experience: "Shady Study"
Lesson 2: Freshwater Animals
Students will begin this lesson by participitaing in a card game to introduce them to various wildlife, plant, and habitat relationships in the freshwater ecosystems of Florida. Like in the Upland Ecosystem chapter, this lesson will teach students about the different species groups birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, and invertebrates in freshwater ecosystems, as well as fish. Hands on experience: "Photo Safari"
Lesson 3: Living Together in Freshwater Ecosystems
This lesson focuses on how we impact freshwater systems with pollutants by first having students create their own watershed model with paper and markers to visualize traveling pollutants. Instructors will teach students about how we affect water quality, what mechanisms nature uses to protect itself, and examples of restoration projects in place to bring ecosystems back to their historic state. Hands on experience: "My Acre"