Haney Jr., H.L., J.D. Siegel. 1995. Estate Planning for Forest Landowners. Annotated Outline and Study Materials for a Workshop.
Kessler, G.D. and J.B. Cody. 1982. Forestry as an Investment. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service in cooperation with South Carolina Forestry Commission, Cir. 600, Clemson, SC. 11 pp.
Latt, Chris (ed). 1998. Family Timberland Partnerships. The Florida Forest Steward, vol. 5, no. 1, Forest Stewardship publication, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida. Gainesville.
Rose, D.W., C.R. Blinn, and G.J. Brand. 1988. A Guide to Forestry Investment Analysis. USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, Research Paper NC-284. St. Paul, Minn. 23 pp.
Small, S.J. 1992. Preserving Family Lands. Landowner Planning Center, Boston, MA. 99 pp.
Small, S.J. 1997. Preserving Family Lands: Book II. Landowner Planning Center, Boston, MA. 119 pp.
Anon. 1997. Why Estate Planning is Essential. The Forest Steward (National Arbor Day Foundation), September/October, 1997.
Other Resources
Farm Credit Services of Florida The Farm Credit System (Farm Credit) is a nationwide network of borrower-owned financial institutions and specialized service organizations. Farm Credit consists of five Farm Credit Banks that provide funding and affiliated services to approximately 100 locally owned Farm Credit associations and numerous cooperatives nationwide. The fundamental purpose of this network of Government-sponsored enterprises created by Congress in 1916 is to provide American Agriculture with a source of sound, dependable credit at competitive rates of interest. Farm Credit provides credit and related services to farmers, ranchers, producers and harvesters of aquatic products, rural homeowners, certain farm-related businesses, agricultural and aquatic cooperatives, rural utilities, and to certain foreign or domestic entities in connection with international agricultural credit transactions.