Explore the UF TIDESS Project
The purpose of the TIDESS project is to investigate ways that children and adults engage with and learn from large-scale interactive displays (touch table and touch spherical display) in a science museum context. We hope to use the information gathered through these studies to iteratively prototype and to inform design for these platforms that will better engage children and adults for science museum learning.
To help accomplish this goal, we have created a prototype on a Microsoft Surface touch table that displays ocean temperature visualizations for use in pilot studies and lab studies. Browse this website to learn more about the project, how it benefits youth and adults, and how you can support this science-focused mission.
Feel free to contact the team at TIDESS-study@ifas.ufl.edu, or call the Principal Investigator Dr. Kathryn Stofer at (352) 273-3690 for questions or for more information.