Downloads and Project Materials
Use these resources to learn more about TIDESS and our goals for the project. You may also contact us with any questions or ideas you might have. Contact the team at or call the Principal Investigator Dr. Kathryn Stofer at (352) 273-3690 with your questions, or for more information.
Papers and Talks
- Schuman, C., Stofer, K.A.,Anthony, L., Neff, H., Chang, P., Soni, N., Darrow, A., Luc, A., Morales, A., Alexandre, J., and Kirkland, B. Ocean Data Visualization on a Touchtable Demonstrates Group Content Learning, Science Practices Use, and Potential Embodied Cognition. Research in Science Education (2020). [paper link]
- Soni, N., Gleaves, S., Neff, H., Morrison-Smith, S., Esmaeili, S., Mayne, I., Bapat, S., Schuman, C., Stofer, K.A., and Anthony, L. (2019). Do User-Defined Gestures for Flatscreens Generalize to Interactive Spherical Displays for Adults and Children? In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis’ 2019), Palermo, Italy, June 12-14, Article No. 24. [pdf]
- Soni, N., Darrow, A., Luc, A., Gleaves, S., Schuman, C., Neff, H., Chang, P., Kirkland, B., Alexandre, J., Morales, A., Stofer, K.A., and Anthony, L. (2019). Analysis of Touchscreen Interactive Gestures During Embodied Cognition in Collaborative Tabletop Science Learning Experiences. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL’ 2019), Volume 1, Lyon, France, June 17-21, Pages 9-16. [pdf]
- Soni N., Bapat, S., Gleaves, S., Darrow, A., Schuman, C., Neff, H., Chang, P., Stofer, K. A., Anthony, L. (2019). Towards Understanding Interactions Around Multi-Touch Spherical Displays. Extended Abstracts of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’ 2019), Glasgow, UK, May 4-9, Paper No. LBW0238. [pdf]
- Anthony, L., Stofer, K.A., Luc, A., and Wobbrock, J.O. (2016). Gestures by Children and Adults on Touch Tables and Touch Walls in a Public Science Center. Proceedings of the ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC’2016), Manchester UK, 22 Jun 2016. [pdf]
- Soni, N., Gleaves, S., Neff, H., Morrison-Smith, S., Esmaeili, S., Mayne, I., Bapat, S., Schuman, C., Stofer, K.A., and Anthony, L. (2019). Do User-Defined Gestures for Flatscreens Generalize to Interactive Spherical Displays for Adults and Children? Paper Presentation, International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis’ 2019), Palermo, Italy, June 12-14.
- Soni, N., Darrow, A., Luc, A., Gleaves, S., Schuman, C., Neff, H., Chang, P., Kirkland, B., Alexandre, J., Morales, A., Stofer, K.A., and Anthony, L. (2019). Analysis of Touchscreen Interactive Gestures During Embodied Cognition in Collaborative Tabletop Science Learning Experiences. Paper Presentation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL’ 2019), Volume 1, Lyon, France, June 17-21.
- Soni N., Bapat, S., Gleaves, S., Darrow, A., Schuman, C., Neff, H., Chang, P., Stofer, K. A., Anthony, L. (2019). Towards Understanding Interactions Around Multi-Touch Spherical Displays. Poster Presentation, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’ 2019), Glasgow, UK, May 4-9. [poster]
- Stofer, K. A., Anthony, L., Schuman, C., Neff, H., Chang, P., Soni, N., Darrow, A., Luc, A., Morales, A., Alexandre, J., Kirkland, B. (2019). Investigating scientific practices from NGSS and informal science learning settings during meaning-making from global spatial data visualizations. Poster presentation in “Illuminating Strategies that Support Science and Engineering Practices in Informal Settings” at NARST International Conference. Baltimore, MD. April 2, 2019. [poster]
- Soni N., Bapat, S., Gleaves, S., Darrow, A., Schuman, C., Neff, H., Chang, P., Stofer, K. A., Anthony, L. (2019). Towards Understanding Interactions around Multi-Touch Spherical Displays, Poster Presentation, CRA-W Grad Cohort workshop, Illinois Chicago, April 2019. [poster]
- Schuman, C., Stofer, K.A., Luc, A., Soni, N., Darrow, A., Anthony, L., Kirkland, B., Morales, A. and Alexandre, J. (2018). Ocean Data Visualization on a Touch-Interactive Tabletop Promotes Group Engagement with Science Content and Practices. National Association for Research in Science Teaching International Conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2018.
- Luc, A., Stofer, K.A., Anthony, L., Designing Touchscreen Interfaces to Afford Engagement with Scientific Data. 2016. Poster Presentation, University Scholars Program Research Symposium at University of Florida. [poster]
Other Project Downloads
University Scholars Program Research Symposium: TIDESS_USP_Poster_PDF
Open Science Framework page (DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/RJZKH)