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Sustainable Human and Ecological Development (SHED)

SHED Faculty

Dr. Basil Iannone
Assistant Professor, School of Forest Resources and Conservation

School of Forest Resources and Conservation
Building 106, Room 4
PO Box 110940
Gainesville, FL 32611-0940
Phone: (352) 294-7499 | Personal Website | CV

Dr. Iannone's research and extension programs broadly focus on the ecology of human-dominated, residential landscapes. Within this context, his interest lie in spatial ecology, biological invasions, ecological restoration, and in how to design future developments so that they exhibit similar levels of ecological functionality as more natural ecosystems. Dr. Iannone's research projects are interdisciplinary and employ a wide range of geospatial and statistical tools, as well as observational, experimental, and modeling approaches.

Biological Invasions | Community Ecology | Ecological Restoration | Spatial/Landscapes Ecology

Dr. A.J. Reisinger
Assistant Professor, Soil and Water Sciences Department

Soil and Water Sciences Department
2181 McCarty Hall A
PO Box 110290
Gainesville, FL 32611-0290
Phone: (352) 294-3108 | Personal Website | CV

Dr. Reisinger is interested in how human activity on land, coupled with interactions between urban ecosystems and ecological functioning, affect soil and water quality. His work in Florida is on the interactions between urban development and soil and water quality, particularly focusing on residential landscapes and the social-ecological coupling within these landscapes. Furthermore, he's interested in how urbanization affects contaminant export via urban streams, and the ecological processes (gross primary production, respiration, nutrient cycling) in streams that are affected by urban development.

Ecosystem Ecology | Nutrient Cycling | Pharmaceutical Contaminants | Biogeochemsitry

Dr. Eban Bean
Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department

Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department
2295 Mowry Road
P.O. Box 110940
Gainesville, FL 32611-0940
Phone: (352) 392-5684
Fax: (352) 392-9033 | CV

Dr. Bean is an assistant professor in urban water resources engineering and specializes in stormwater management, water quantity and quality issues, low impact development (LID), and sustainable urban development to reduce nonpoint source pollution. Dr. Bean received a PhD in agricultural and biological engineering from the University of Florida and is a licensed professional engineer.

Stormwater Management | Water Quantity & Quality | Low Impact Development