Who We Are
The UF/IFAS plant breeders oversee and manage one of the most active and innovative plant breeding programs in the world. No other institution genetically improves such a large variety of crops that can be grown not just in Florida, but also around the world. Our breeders use next-generation science to improve more than 50 crops for food, feed, fiber, fuel, shelter, landscape beautification, ecosystem services, and a variety of other human activities.
Where We Are
We have over 30 faculty members strategically located throughout Florida and breed 50 diverse plant species. Plant varieties developed by our breeders dominate the Florida blueberry, strawberry, peanut, forage, and other industries. These crops are grown in more than 60 countries worldwide. We have successfully trained more than 60 plant breeders in the last 10 years with excellent job placement. Statewide Plant Breeding Efforts - Full Size Map.