Today and Tomorrow 

tropical foliage plant

Researchers in the UF/IFAS foliage plant-breeding program have been applying growth regulators to selected plants – including Pothos (Epipremnum), Philodendron, and ZZ (Zamioculcas) – to induce flowering on demand, obtain seeds, and select hybrids of new foliage types. New tissue culture techniques allow researchers to evaluate new varieties without having to grow plants to full size, which can reduce research time by two or more years. 

High Impact Releases

Sparkles (1993): This Dieffenbachia cultivar has been grown and sold extensively due to its high performance in greenhouse production, its brightly colored foliage, and its freely branching, compact growth habit.

Red Hot (1995): This popular Anthurium has been sold widely as a potted plant due to its bright red spathes and highly prolific, compact flowering and growth habit.

Golden Bay (1999): Widely sold Aglaonema cultivar with uniquely patterned, attractive silvery-gold foliage. It has been used extensively in interiorscape designs.

Emerald Bay, US PP12,867 (2001): This Aglaonema cultivar has been widely sold due to its attractive and unique variegated foliage. It has been a preferred cultivar for interiorscape uses.

Pearl and Jade® 'UF-M-12' (2008): This popular Pothos cultivar has uniquely colored foliage consisting of unusual splotches of greens and whites distributed unevenly across the leaf, not typical of standard varieties. It has been sold widely as a hanging-basket display.

Research Contacts

Heqiang (Alfred) Huo

Heqiang (Alfred) Huo

Breeding & Genetics
Ornamentals & Horticultural Crops
Environmental Hort. | Mid-FL REC


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